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Our History
Our History
History of Life Renewal Charismatic Church


Life Renewal Charismatic Church is a dynamic and a prolific church in the 21st century born out of a prophetic ministry of prophet Kofi Ofori Yeboah, founder and General overseer. We are committed to raising a generation that genuinely desires God in purity of heart and actions of the body.


The church came to birth during a convention captioned "Catching the wave with Jesus" on the 3rd to the 9th of May, 2004 at Abura after Six Grounds, Cape Coast in the central region of Ghana, Africa. The church is built on the foundation of our lord Jesus Christ. Prophet Kofi Ofori Yeboah, once a part of the founding fathers of Salvation Bible Ministry, was called out by God into establishing Revelation Released Bible Ministry on the 14th of July, 1998. The aim of Revelation Released Bible Ministry was to "release the fire of God unto the future generation". Surely the fire that touched the generation at the time brought about a great revival among the people of Cape Coast, most especially the youth. Many young men and women were saved, and they began finding their God-given talents and gifts and putting them to use in the ministry.

As time went on, God's calling and assignment towards the salvation of the lost into God's greater light grew brighter and better. Revelation Released Bible Ministry became the metamorphosis of Life Renewal Charismatic Church (LRCC) born and inaugurated on the 9th May, 2004 by Rev Agyapong from the Consuming Fire Church, Cape Coast. Three pastors were ordained to run the church and to ensure accountability and consensus-building, a church board was convened together with a secretary in running the affairs of the church.

Currently, the church is still under the Pastoralship of Jeremiah Ben-kuranchie, senior pastor of the Ghana branch since 9th May, 2004 being assisted by an interim church board due to the breakaway of the two pastors together with the founding church board. This and many other diverse challenges over the years have affected growth in all areas, but the church has stood its ground, maintaining faith in light of the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ, who declared in the book of Matthew 16:18 "I will build my own church and the gate of hell will not prevail against it." 

LRCC Ghana is now undergoing some structural adjustments, thereby putting the assembly and its administrative roles in a transitional period. LRCC Ghana has been registered with the Christian council of Ghana, and has a constitution which embodies a statement of faith, and so the church now has the full legal backing of the government of Ghana. Through all this they have the prerogative of holding public functions like wedding, funerals, baptisms, etc. Temporarily, the church is now worshipping at Abura, house number ABL 103b, adjacent the Abura (Dr.Holdbrook's) clinic, after being at Penguin Auditorium and Kwegyir Aggrey School since its inception due to a lack of personal auditorium. Diligent efforts are being made to secure a permanent residence for the church to be able to run affairs without any disruption.

Also, the church has an affiliate branch in Canada where the headquarters is situated, efforts are been made to spread out to the utter most part of the world just as the apostolic mandate of our lord Jesus Christ states in
Matthew 28:19 that "Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations….."

Our way forward as a Christian body, is to build a multifaceted Christian church (Gods family) characterized by Christ consciousness out of every nation, tribe and tongue through evangelism, discipleship and other social networking like the lrcc ministry lounge on facebook,there is also the readiness to partner religious bodies within the Christendom and other social networking agencies who take keen interest in improving of human lives in the light of the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ through the various humanitarian activities. We look forward to the God who has begun a good work in us to bring us to a perfect conclusion, shalom.

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